About Agave

There are over 300 species of Agave. The world comes from the Greek world αγαυή meaning “noble” or “admirable”.

Agave grows on thousands of acres at high altitudes, in the red volcanic soils of Central and Western Mexico.

Agave begins as a seed, and once sown, it grows over 8 feet tall and wide. After 5 to 7 years reaches 10 to 15 kg and it’s ready for harvesting.

The harvesting process starts with the cutting of the leaves. The center of agave is then extracted from the earth and subsequently transported to the factory for further processing.

What’s noble about this plant is their reserve of carbohydrates, as they store fructans (polymers of fructose). Fructose contained in agave requires a simple obtention process.

Premium agave syrup is a natural sweetener produced by thermal hydrolysis of fructans, and its free of food additives, added sugars from other sources and offers a pleasant sweetness.

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Everything About Agave: Properties & Sweetening Applications


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