Bees, working hard for the world

When we think about the benefits the bees bring, honey is normally top of the list.  Yet it is only produced by a handful of bee species, and, even among these, it is much less valuable than the pollination they provide. Pollination is needed for plants to reproduce, and so many plants depend on bees. Regardless of size, color, and social structure, bees pollinate a huge range of plants vital to humans, and without them many crops would no longer be viable.

A bee visits around 100 flower per foraging trip and worker honey bees make 10 million foraging trips to produce 500 g of honey. During these trips, bees take the pollen in their tiny hair, so when they straight to a new flower from the same species, they left the adequate quantity to reproduce. Around 75% of crop plants require some degree of animal pollination, including many of our everyday fruit and vegetable.

What most of us don’t know is that flowers compete to each other to be pollinated and flowers have to show a range of colors that is attractive to bees. Also, bee’s smell by their antennae, enabling them to tell which direction the smell is coming from, so they can head straight for the flowering plant, pollenate it and collect the nectar.

We have been fortunate to take advantage of 100 million years of evolution that have seen bees become one of the top pollinators on the planet.

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Honey, much more than just a sweetener


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